Publish your close-ups

If you're the author of closeups containing mushrooms of the genus boletus, consider to send them to us at or through one of our social channels. The best shots get published in our social network


... otherwise, publish your BoletusGame

If you managed to create what we call a BoletusGame, that is a picture taken in the forest with at least one hidden or camouflaged boletus to spot, you can make it visible to everyone in the game page. To this purpose,
  1. Send your picture(s) to:

    In your email, please indicate the number of boletes contained in each picture. To preserve the quality of the pictures in this website, please keep in mind that a picture can be accepted if it is in agreement with the following rules:

    • it must contain at least one boletus that is hidden/camouflaged, at least to some reasonable extent
    • it must have a resolution of 1600x1200 pixel, or higher
    • it must not be blurred
    • It must not contain any selfie

  2. if you have published your picture on Flickr, share it with the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license, and attach in your email the web address (URL) of your picture on Flickr.

    On Flickr, more than 85 000 000 pictures are published with this license.

  3. (optional) if you attach in your email the web address of your website or Facebook, Twitter, etc. profile, we will link your picture.
Provided that your picture gets a positive evaluation, it will be shown to players in the game page, together with your name and the link of your profile. Finally, BoletusGame works together with the Italian monthly Passione Funghi e Tartufi: the best shots that we collect are selected for publication on this magazine.